Hannah Empson (1796)


Birth: 1796 William Wood, Warsop, Nottinghamshire, UK
Father: William Empson b1771-a1801
Mother: Anne (Hannah) Turner 1769-a1801

Christening: 7 September 1796 Warsop, Nottinghamshire, UK

Marriage: Unknown
Husband: Unknown

Death: Unknown




Christening of Hannah Empson in the IGI on 7 September 1796 in Warsop, Niotting, parents William and Hannah Empson.

Similar information is in the Nottinghamshire Family History Society records adding she was born in Wm Woods (there is a William Wood Farm and William Wood Bridge near Warsop Vale on B6031).

Her sister and brother were christened in Teversal so I assumed the family moved in about 1797.

Warsop is on the A60 22 miles north of Nottingham (not to be confused with Worksop!). Teversal is some 20 miles north of Nottingham, 4 miles west of Mansfield on B6014.


Hannah Empson was Felicity's third great grandaunt.

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